Top Priority You Coaching

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Values of Leadership:


Values is where I start with Leadership Development Coaching. I call them your governing values. Valves are not principles or moral codes. Values identified is a start but more importantly it is about the quality of life created by living the values that are so important to you. Values are what is essential to you. Values help you take stands, to make choices based on what you define as fulfilling - living fully alive. Once values are identified you know what you honor, dishonor and what value are in competition. Some good questions to answer: what brings your life your greatest joy and deepest satisfaction? Where are your values showing up? What values are you neglecting? Which values do you not compromise? Once values have been identified I ask them to prioritize the values. If you could take only 10 values with you to a strange and dangerous place which ones, would they be? Which values must you absolutely have with you? The next ste;  I ask them to rank them 1-10 with 10 being- living the value fully in my life and 1 not living the value in life. When you review your values, and scores what are the middle-rated values about?  What would it take to live that value as a 10? “What would it take to live that value in any circumstance?” “What is the price you pay for not honoring that value?” “What’s stopping you?” 

Values in decision making: In coaching, values help determine the “rightness” of choices. They also illuminate unfortunate choices. A values conversation can be very useful at any decision point. As clients choose various action steps, their values become a litmus test for action: Will this action move you closer to living your values or further away? If you make this decision, what values will be present? When the client is considering an important life decision, ask how this course of action will honor the top ten values and to what extent. A decision based on the client’s top values will always be a more fulfilling decision. It may not be the easiest or the most enjoyable. It may require sacrifice and even have uncomfortable consequences. But on balance, over time, it will be the most fulfilling. Kimsey-House, Henry; Kimsey-House, Karen; Sandahl, Phillip; Whitworth, Laura. Co-Active Coaching: Changing Business, Transforming Lives . Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Kindle Edition.

             Fulfillment: Fulfillment is living fully alive making choices which are resonate with your essential values. What is your vision of a really fulfilling life? What is your vison of living a fully alive leadership role? They are the same in my working with clients. What I desire as a leader for others is what I desire for myself. What is the desired future you wish to crate for others? A vision is a yearning, a longing for something deeper. A fulfilling life is a life of meaning, purpose, and satisfaction when being lived. 

When you ask yourself are you living fully alive at work how do you answer?  Typically, people often point out what they do not want or want they want more of in their life and at work. That presents a gap to be filled. Gaps do not in itself bring satisfaction; filling gaps cannot fill the insatiable hunger of fulfillment. 

What does it mean to be fulfilled? It is to live a life fully alive, to seek a desired compelling future without limits, to choose daily a resonant, radiant life. It does not mean feeling good.  In fact, living fully alive often means living life effortless, in harmony, you are in flow in life that is challenging and uncomfortable. The paradox of fulfillment you experience intensity, heart breaking exhaustion and an enormously fulfilling life. The paradox both are present.

 What are your essential values? Take time to explore your values before your leap into a leadership role. What would living fully alive mean to you? I wonder how many people are on a career ladder climbing up not realizing the ladder may be on the wrong wall to the top?

To be continued…..