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Leadership is standing for right!

Where have all the leaders gone? Leadership shows up in many places- leading a country, a group of people, or an organization. Leadership is in the young and the seasoned. Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because they want to do it. Dwight D. Eisenhower. As a leadership expert Warren Bennis once said, “leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” What makes an effective leader? Let’s start with what is obvious and sensed by followers -does the leaders’ internal being; what they project externally demonstrate high ethical and moral standards? If not would you expect followership? When you look at your leaders do you feel good inside? Do you trust them, beleive they are competent? I am not talking about that warm and fuzzy feeling but do you believe that your leader cares deeply about you. You feel the connection, the relationship and you like it. The leader has high empathy toward others. You feel good that the leader has crafted a career plan for you. You see the leader’s commitment and passion to the cause, the followers pursuing the cause. You may find yourself feeling that the leader has your back. You have been asked to participate in crafting a vision. The leader’s excitement is available for everyone to see. The leader is a good communicator who makes you feel in on things, seeking your opinion, engaging you physically, mentally, emotionally and your heart yearns for the vision because it is true. You’re confident in the leader’s ability to make high-quality decisions. Decisions are made based on solid values. Deep down inside you know, think or feel that your brain is stating- a worthy compelling person with a caring empathetic being. A leader who has the ability to train and develop employees. A relationship in a place where you believe you can flourish. Now take a moment and look around you, pick a leader that has been granted a position of leadership. How would you rate them against these qualities? You might find yourself saying I want my country back, I want my organization back, or I want my team back. The right leadership is oh so important! Just a thought it’s time to take back the things most desired through leadership. Stand up and lead or get out of the way. The world will be better with right leadership.

Jeff PerryComment